February Theme on DollObservers

February Theme of the Month CARNIVAL!

Farrah Fawcett as repainted and restyled by artist Noel Cruz and as featured in Farrah Fawcett Commemorative Cover with Fawcett Inset: http://www.blurb.com/b/9284044-1sixth-winter-2019 --1Sixth Winter Issue: Life Scaled Down. This magazine features OOAK Artists and Doll Companies.

Featured in this issue: Dominion Doll, Noel Cruz, Regent Miniatures, Fashion OOAK Designer Ryan Liang of SHANTOMMO, fashions by ELEN PRIV, Antonio Realli, and other OOAK Artists Chan Sama of Plastic Guy/CGdoll.

See more of Noel Cruz's work at http://www.ncruz.com

Visit 1Sixth at https://1sixth.co

And get he latest Magazine on iTunes or Apple books!  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1451386070?utm_medium=email_transaction&utm_source=sailthru_txn&utm_campaign=prod_ce_distribution